Petite Canadienne

A Canadian MBA exchange student living in Paris.


Passionate about the energy sector...

Friday, March 03, 2006

Support the Stephen Lewis Foundation

While some may think that business school is a breeding ground for arrogant, self-centered business tycoons, we demonstrated the softer side of future business leaders as part of our business ethics course. We hosted a small fundraiser for the Stephen Lewis Foundation - a Canadian organization that helps to ease the pain of people living and dying with AIDS/HIV in Africa. We played African music and sold African treats and beer. As every little bit helps, why not donate:


Blogger Rodrigo said...

That is great, in fact we have just presented to them our ICFP project, I don't know if you knew this but they were our client.

You two seems to be having a great time. Enjoy it!


1:42 AM  

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